Cleaning up your sleep routine for a better night of rest

Cleaning up your sleep routine for a better night of rest

Hot topic alert today! It’s all about getting a GREAT NIGHT OF SLEEP.

One of the top things that can get in the way of the results you are looking for in your food and fitness and efforts is getting enough quality sleep. It can affect your mood, stress, appetite, and recovery … among many other things!

 In keeping with our “clean it up” approach to sleep, I want to talk about simple upgrades you can make to streamline your nighttime routine that can actually help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer!

Here are some science-backed tips from the National Institutes of Health:

  • Keep your evening routine simple – go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Your body loves having a regular daily rhythm and routine!
  • Don’t work out within 2-3 hours of bedtime. This can leave you feeling “revved up” and make it harder to fall asleep.
  • Don’t eat close to bedtime, and steer clear of alcohol after dinner. Alcohol might help you fall asleep, but you can get stuck in the “light sleep” phase all night.
  • No afternoon/evening caffeine. Did you know it can take 8 hours for caffeine to clear your system?
  • Check your meds & herbal home remedies. Some meds (especially for coughs, colds, and allergies) contain ingredients that stimulate your system.
  • Take a hot bath or shower before bed. When your body temp drops afterward, it can help you feel sleepy. Add some Epson salts and a little high quality lavender essential oil for an extra effective sleep tool on those nights you know you need a little help.
  • Stay away from blue light from TV, phone, or other devices within a couple hours of bedtime. If you do use a device, install a blue light filter (tip: check your tablet/phone to see if there’s one already built-in).
  • Spruce up your bedroom. Make sure it’s uncluttered and free from distractions – lights, noises, etc. – and that your bedding is comfortable. Sleeping in a clutter-free zone can make a surprisingly big difference.
  • Make a to-do list for tomorrow. Write down anything you’re worried about forgetting overnight as a quick reminder and place it far away from your nightstand (so you don’t have to think about it anymore).

 Cleaning up your nighttime routine can go a LONG way toward improving your sleep…

 But there are things you can do earlier in the day that can help, too. Two big items:

  • Get some sunshine & fresh air during the day, if at all possible.
  • Make sure to get in intentional movement (i.e., exercise) most days of the week!

When you get a good night of sleep, it can set you up for having a great day. Plus, it’s good for your overall recovery and wellness! Your digestion, your weight loss goals, your mood and so much more!

If you’re ready to take your health/fitness to the next level and need some help, just HITT reply to this email and I will get you set up for a Complimentary Peak Wellness Discovery Session. 

Have an awesome day!




A better way to “detox” or “cleanse”

A better way to “detox” or “cleanse”

Everybody’s talking about doing “detoxes” and “cleanses” … but what does that really MEAN, anyway? And is it even a real thing?

I want to flip the script on that idea as we dive a little deeper into “cleaning it up” this month.

I had a big shift about this a long time ago that completely changed my perspective. Now I do a lot of work in my practice with clients around cleansing, physically, mentally, and emotionally, and there truly is a better way to get started.

A lot of “detoxes” and “cleanses” focus on eliminating toxins and getting rid of wastes that are in your body. And some of these methods can be pretty rough.

Here’s the issue with that: Your body already has a complex and amazing built-in detox system, made up of your skin, lungs, kidneys, colon, and liver.

These organs all work together to filter out toxins and waste, and then help you get rid of them by sweating, breathing, or when you’re in the bathroom.

FACT: If there’s a breakdown in this system, you probably should see a doctor!

BUT … what if the toxins in the foods you eat, the products you use on your body, or the chemicals in your environment start to overload your detox system, putting a lot of stress on it?

It can get to the point where your body can’t keep up with eliminating them as fast as you absorb them, and they start to build up in your body. This isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds.

Since we can’t actually SEE toxins, here’s a stat that can make it real:

Did you know that the average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in their umbilical cord blood (this is according to the Environmental Working Group)?

And the breakdown of those toxins includes 180 that cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 that are toxic to the brain/nervous system, and 208 that are linked with birth defects or development problems in animal research.

Talk about a toxic load!

What if instead of focusing on CLEANING OUT toxins from your body as a place to start … you did your best to avoid them in the first place?!

That way, you’re “detoxing” your INPUT as much as possible, before it ever hits your system.

You can do that by upgrading the quality of what you feed your body and also what you surround it with. This will help reduce your overall toxic load.

There is lots of info about this in the Clean It Up Challenge Guide!

Get your FREE copy by clicking on the image of the guide here below! 

I’m talking about:

  • Foods with fewer pesticides, antibiotics, contaminants, etc.
  • Personal care products with fewer known toxins
  • Staying away from plastic water and food storage containers
  • Using more green home care products

With a little intention, you can lower the number of toxins you’re exposed to in the first place!

It’s a much more PROactive approach to your wellness. And a better place to start. From here, once you start getting a grip on what’s coming in, you can then think into other ways to go deeper with cleansing your body and the impact will much more effective and much less drastic .

Here’s a little bonus challenge for you today!

It may seem simple, but it is oh so effective!

One of the best things you can do to help your body’s detox system do its job is to DRINK WATER! (From a BPA-free container, obviously – and bonus points if it’s filtered water!) 

This helps your system flush out all those waste products.

Exactly how much water you need every day depends on (among other things) how active you are, any health issues you may have, your size, and more.

And while there is no scientific evidence as to how much water we actually need, as a general rule, women need about 9 cups (2 liters) and men about 12½ cups (3 liters) a day.

(OPTIONAL: Track your intake today and post the Facebook group “Natural Solutions for Peak Wellness”!

It’s not the big things we do once in a while, but the small things we do CONSISTENTLY that bring results.

Make it an incredible day,




Cleaning up the nighttime snacking habit

Cleaning up the nighttime snacking habit

This month we’re giving special focus to something that I know a LOT of you are interested in …

Cleaning it up!

By that I mean, focusing on cleaning up our diets, our self-care and cleaning products, our homes, and even the info we feed our brain.

Let’s talk about ONE BIG AREA that a lot of people struggle with when it comes to cleaning up their nutrition – NIGHTTIME SNACKING!

I wanted to share something that can happen to any one of us – because I know you may relate. (We all can!)

Have you heard of “ultra-processed foods”?

That’s the new buzzword for packaged snacks, pizza, and basically anything with a lot of added sugar, fat, salt, or other ingredients to make them tastier and more appealing.

These foods can actually trigger an addiction-like response in your brain, making you crave them.

AND … it goes without saying these foods aren’t at ALL helpful (and actually run counter) to any health or fitness goals you have.

Back to what can happen to anyone of us: You are CRUSHING your goals – exercising, drinking more water, eating clean meals, getting sun & fresh air, and simply feeling GREAT.

In fact, you even make a point to tell yourself and your friends how proud you are of your actions! (LOVE THAT!)

But then every night when you finish cleaning up after dinner, you get a massive craving for those ultra-processed foods (even though you are not hungry) …. and every night, night after night, you give in.

Why? Because you have been a nighttime “snacker” for years and it has gotten even worse in 2020 (what a year it has been). You REALLY wanted to cut back on it but felt at a total loss for what to do.

You do some brainstorming and working through this with a wellness coach, looking at solutions that would work for your life and family, and together you put together a plan that you hope will work for you.

It’s actually the sort of brainstorming and plan creation I have done with a LOT of my clients.

You start by making changes to your evening habits to help you break the snacking cycle … and you did it in a way that short-circuits the “nighttime snacking” habit you want to get rid of.

What could this mean for you… well it could mean tackling a home organization project and then going to bed early – and staying away from the couch and the TV (the trigger), which is where the snacking always happens, for example.

This is a really great idea because it removes the automatic cue (TV + couch) to grab those junk foods.

And then… guess what… it works! The first couple of nights you still think about snacking, but then you get busy with your evening project.

Sometimes in order to break a habit loop, you have to (at least temporarily) remove the triggers that cause the habit to happen.

It’s a great tip straight out of the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear.

Think about how you can apply this in your OWN life.

Do you have a time of day when it’s harder to meet your fitness and nutrition goals? You don’t always have to rely on willpower – a little brainstorming and planning can help you find a solution that’s a LOT easier!

If you want expert guidance with this in your own life …. this is one of the things we do best! A few simple tweaks can lead to GIANT results.

Send an email to Christina at HIT reply to schedule a FREE 30-minute discovery session to learn more.

Make it an amazing day,


Mindset shift to help reach goals

Mindset shift to help reach goals

Can you believe that we’re turning the corner into June!?

This is the perfect time to check in on how you’re doing with your 2021 goals for the year.

Are you where you’d hoped you’d be in terms of your progress …  or are those goals a distant memory?

As we’ve taken a deep dive into aging this month, it can be pretty eye-opening to realize that your goals are about SO MUCH MORE than what size jeans you’re wearing.

Don’t get me wrong. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having weight- or size-related goals.

But the incredible thing is that those results are often a SIDE EFFECT of something else:

Focusing on your overall health and wellness!

This realization can be a huge mindset shift – a shift that’s empowering and exciting.

It can shift your thinking in a way that helps you build a lifestyle that you can live with year-round vs. one that’s temporary.

The steps you take now can have a powerful impact on how you feel (and live) later.

Steps like … 

  • Creating a fitness plan that leaves you feeling energized, centered, and strong and helps you be active through the years.
  • Eating healthy, delicious meals that satisfy you and 1) support your health and 2) get you the results you’re after.
  • Reducing stress and improving your sleep.
  • Building strong social connections that help you feel better mentally and physically.

If you’re not on track with your 2021 goals … it’s time to do what it takes to get there!

Make it an amazing day,

How getting older affects your gut…

How getting older affects your gut…

Let’s talk about a topic a lot of people feel uncomfortable talking about:


When it’s working great, life is GOOD! And when it’s not, well … you can feel bloated, gassy, sluggish, and just plain BLAH.

Lots of factors can affect your digestion – including getting OLDER.

Research shows that about 40% of older adults have at least one age-related digestive problems every year!

That could mean constipation … reflux … sensitivities to certain foods … ulcers … polyps … and more.

Plus, as we age it’s common for our digestive systems to slow down, which can exacerbate other problems!

Here are some steps you can take to keep your digestive system happier, as well as some things you can ask your doctor about during your next visit.

  • Get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. This can help with constipation and cut your risk of colon cancer.
  • Make sure you get enough fiber by eating veggies, fruits, legumes, and whole grains as part of your everyday diet. These can keep you regular.
  • If you’re taking meds (including blood pressure meds or over-the-counter NSAIDs) and are having digestive issues, talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist. Some BP meds are linked with constipation, while NSAIDs can cause ulcers.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. This can help prevent health problems that crop up as we age, from high blood pressure to diabetes and heart disease. Fewer health issues generally mean fewer meds, which means fewer digestion-related side effects like constipation.
  • Drink water. Slowed digestion can mean more water gets absorbed from food waste, leading to constipation.
  • Pay attention to how you feel after eating. If you notice you feel bloated, gassy, or constipated, look for what foods might be triggering it.

Keeping your digestive system in good operating order is so important because it processes the food you eat, ensuring you get all the nutrients you need to stay fit, strong, and healthy!

Hope you have a great day!

Are you in the elite 10%?

Are you in the elite 10%?

Did you know that 90% of us don’t get enough vegetables every day?

90%! Pretty shocking, right?

According to the Canada Food Guide and the USDA, most of us need between 2 and 4 cups a day (based on activity level, gender, mass, ect…), and these numbers are conservative according to some medical professionals and nutritionists!

But the truth is, most people don’t sit down to eat a big bowl of veggies every day. They usually end up as an afterthought in a side dish, at best.

This is why sneaking veggies into your meals (including BREAKFAST) is such a great idea! It’s a pain- and bother-free way to get more of them into your diet.

I know this tip might fall into the category “I know, but I don’t do it very often.”

Consider this your reminder that it’s time to START! 🙂

I have some ideas to get you going.

6 Easy Ways to Add Veggies to Your Breakfast

  1. Stir spinach or kale or any other green into your eggs – or blend them into a smoothie
  2. Shred zucchini or carrots into overnight oats or chia pudding – or stir them into your oats while they cook (surprisingly yum!)
  3. Make a big batch of veggie hash (basically sauté a bunch of veggies together) ahead of time, and when it’s time to eat, heat it up and add a poached egg or browned tofu on top.
  4. Add cauliflower or beets to a smoothie.
  5. Top your avocado toast with some tomatoes or salsa (yes, salsa counts!).
  6. Make a grain bowl with leftover quinoa or whole rice and stir in some spinach, broccoli, bok choy, or leftover grilled veggies like peppers and zucchini, and top it off with some cheese (my go to is goat cheese) while you heat it up. This will keep you feeling full for hours!

Your assignment: Sneak some veggies into your breakfast on 2 days this week.

You don’t have to overhaul your entire lifestyle to feel healthier and more energized fast.

It really IS about making small changes over time that you can actually live with!

We’re all about creating REAL sustainable transformation and change!

Post a pic of your 2 Veggie Filled Breakfasts in the Natural Solutions for Peak Wellness Facebook Group! Let’s share so we can all get ideas!

Committed to your Success,
