Do you agree with this?

The Best 7 Doctors are Free :

💗 Sharing a belly laugh with your favorite people

💗 Basking in the warmth of the sun

💗 Taking slow, deep breaths to calm your mind

💗 Moving your body in ways that feel good

💗 Expressing gratitude for the little things

💗 And connecting with the earth beneath your feet

These are the priceless habits that can truly enrich our lives.

Next time you’re feeling stressed or rundown, take a moment to appreciate the simple, free things that can make a big difference in how you feel every day.


Todays topic…

The nervous system is the foundation of health!

You can think of the nervous system as the body’s CEO, keeping everything running smoothly behind the scenes. It’s in charge of all the important stuff:

🫀 Like telling your heart to beat

🫁 Your lungs to breathe, and…

💪 Your muscles to move

 Plus, it’s the mastermind behind how you perceive the world around you and how you respond to everything from stress to emotions.

 However, when stress becomes chronic, it can take a toll on our entire body, including the nervous system: 

  • Immune Suppression:Chronic stress weakens immunity, diverting resources from healing and making you more vulnerable to illness. This stress response involves the nervous system as well.
  • Inflammation:Stress triggers inflammation and the nervous system plays a crucial role in this inflammatory process, amplifying stress’s impact on health.
  • Impaired Digestion:Stress affects digestion, causing problems like indigestion and IBS. This can hinder nutrient absorption, impacting healing.
  • Sleep Disturbances:Stress disrupts sleep, leading to insomnia or poor sleep quality. Restorative sleep is essential for healing, involving tissue regeneration and immune function.
  • Mental Health Impact:Chronic stress links to anxiety and depression, worsening physical symptoms and hindering recovery. Prioritizing mental health is crucial for healing.
  • Altered Neurotransmitter Levels:Prolonged stress alters brain neurotransmitters, affecting mood and cognition. Imbalances in serotonin and dopamine can cause depression, anxiety, and fatigue. 

In essence, to nurture our nervous system is to safeguard our overall health and well-being.

When we care for our nervous system, we care for the very foundation of our health. 

If you’re seeking extra support and guidance on your journey to overcoming stress, stay tuned, as I am committed to sharing the ways in which natural solutions can empower you (and me…) to live a more stress-free life. 

What do you do to nurture your nervous system? Head on over to my Facebook Group:Natural Solutions for Peak Wellness!We would all love to hear any tips you have to share! 

Make it a mindful day, 


Christina Della Rocca, n.d., MASS.d, FNLP, B.A.S.

Fondatrice et Spécialiste de bien-être stratégique en entreprise / Praticienne en santé et bien-être

Founder & Strategic Workplace Wellness Specialist & Consierge / Peak Wellness Practitioner