Steal my 5-minute rule

Steal my 5-minute rule

Here’s your weekly drop of health news, tips, and insights to keep you always moving toward your highest level of wellness and abundance.



Ever noticed how the hardest part of ANY task is just getting started? 

This is especially true when it comes getting active again after years of being mostly sedentary, cutting out that oh so addictive sugar, or finding healthy ways to deal with stress. 

Whether it’s making a healthy dinner, going for a run, logging in for that 10-minute Italian lesson, doing the mobility stretches you promised yourself you were going to do, or opting for an apple instead of a chocolate bar… 

The anticipation is almost always worse than the actual DOING. 

👉 That’s where the “5-minute rule” comes in handy. 

This rule is simple… 

Commit to doing whatever task you’re avoiding for just 5 minutes.

That’s it. 

If you don’t want to keep going after 5 minutes, no problem. 

But odds are… 

You’ll want to keep going! 

Why does this work so well? 

Because movement creates momentum. 

Tony Robbins says, “People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed.” 

So if you take that first small step — even just for five minutes — you’re setting off a positive chain reaction. 

If you need some ideas, you can: 

  • Commit to a 5-minute walk after lunch
  • Spend 5 minutes planning your next few meals
  • Do a 5-minute stretch or meditation

There are no wrong answers! 

Either way, you’re making progress as long as you take that first step. 

Committed to your success,


Christina Della Rocca, ND, FNLP, CEWC, MASS.d.
Workplace Wellness Specialist & Multi-disciplinary Wellness Practitioner


    Fonctional Nutrition Practitionner

    Massage Therapist | Fit Pro

    Executive Wellness Leadership Coach​​​​​​

Still overthinking it? I invite you to book a FREE Discovery conversation to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals more effectively. To book a call, reply to this email with “Discovery Call” in the subject line.


Putting “quick wins” into perspective

Putting “quick wins” into perspective

Here’s your weekly drop of health news, tips, and insights to keep you always moving toward your highest level of wellness and abundance.



Here’s a story that might find familiar… 

A few years ago, one of my clients came to me ready to reclaim her health and performance after years of prioritizing her career and family. She wanted to feel energized, focused, and confident again. 

To get started, we focused on the fundamentals: incorporating more whole, nutrient-dense foods into her diet while cutting back on processed sugars. We also added some movement to her day; a daily 20-minute walk. The results were incredible. 

Within a few weeks, she lost 8 pounds, felt less bloated, her energy was better, her skin cleared up, and the brain fog that had been holding her back was noticeably better. She was on fire! 

But then her progress started to slow down. 

The number on the scale wasn’t moving as quickly anymore, and despite all the other wins she was still experiencing, her motivation began to dip. 

She started to feel like her efforts weren’t paying off. 

Sound familiar? 

Here’s the thing: it’s not her fault—and it’s not yours either. 

We live in a world of: 

  • 5-second solutions,
  • 30-day transformations,
  • And instant everything—from food delivery to online gratification. 

But deep down, we know real, lasting change doesn’t work like that. 

The key to sustained performance isn’t about chasing quick fixes; it’s about keeping perspective and balancing short-term wins with long-term vision. 

Here’s a 3-Step Framework you can use to keep moving forward: 

Step 1: Set a big, exciting long-term goal 
Your “North Star” should excite and inspire you. For my client, it was about losing 30 pounds—not just for the number, but to feel confident, empowered, energized, and sexy again in her favorite outfits.  

Step 2: Break It Down into Achievable Milestones:
Real transformation happens in stages. We started with a clear first step: transitioning to a whole-foods-based diet to eliminate the bloating, fatigue, and energy crashes holding her back. Each milestone was realistic and aligned with her busy lifestyle. 

Step 3: Celebrate the Wins—But Stay Focused on the Vision:
Each quick win – more energy, clearer skin, fewer cravings—was a reason to celebrate. But we didn’t stop there. Instead of fixating on perfection, we focused on staying consistent 80% of the time while always keeping the long-term goal in sight. 

This is the secret to achieving peak performance—both in life and in leadership. 

Quick wins fuel motivation…

But it’s your vision and strategy that will carry you through the inevitable dips. 

So, what’s YOUR big vision for 2025?

And what quick win can you celebrate this week that’s moving you closer to that vision? 

Hit reply and let me know—I’d love to celebrate your progress with you! 

Committed to Your Success,


Christina Della Rocca, ND, FNLP, CEWC, MASS.d.
Workplace Wellness Specialist & Multi-disciplinary Wellness Practitioner


    Focntional Nutrition Practitionner

    Massage Therapist | Fit Pro

    Executive Wellness Leadership Coach

3 Key Questions for 2025

3 Key Questions for 2025

Happy New Year!

I hope you have been enjoying the holiday season. I sure have! 

Now, if you’re like most people…You’re probably thinking about your goals for the coming year. 

But before you jump into setting those New Year’s resolutions… 

Let’s take a step back. 

How did your resolutions go last year? Or the year before that? 

As most of us have experienced, setting a goal just because it’s January 1st isn’t enough to make it stick. 

Not because resolutions are “bad” — but because if you want to reach your goals and finally release the fatigue or weight you’ve been carrying around for longer than you like,  it helps to make your resolutions more meaningful and specific. 

So BEFORE you saddle yourself with a big list of goals… 

Ask yourself these 3 questions: 

What HABITS would make the biggest positive impact on my daily life? We tend to overestimate how much we need to do to reach our goals. Instead, think about which habits will give you the biggest return! 

What’s held me back in the past from taking action? This isn’t to beat yourself up… it’s to get ahead of challenges before they pop up. If there’s something that keeps getting in your way, NOW is your chance to acknowledge it and make a plan to tackle it! 

How does this goal align with my core values? When your goals reflect what’s truly important to you, you’re MUCH more likely to stick with them. For example, if family is a core value, frame your health goals around being there for the people you care about. Maybe together you can head out to do a fitness class and then meal prep, for example. 

If you can answer these questions, you’ll end up with resolutions you’re actually excited about. 

Not just right now… 

But even in a month, two months, or even six months from now… long after almost everyone else has given up. 

So, take some time to reflect on these. 

If you can, write down your answers, and refine your resolutions from there. 

Here’s to making 2025 your best year yet! 

Committed to your success and well-being,


Christina Della Rocca, ND, FNLP, CEWC, MASS.d.
Workplace Wellness Specialist & Multi-disciplinary Wellness Practitioner


    Functional Nutrition Practitionner

    Massage Therapist | Fit Pro

    Executive Wellness Leadership Coach

How to take the pressure off your goals

o you track your progress every day? 

If you do, you might be feeling one of two ways: 

You’re keeping up with your workouts, maintaining healthy habits or your gut health protocol and feeling good about the progress you’re making,   


You’ve had a few slip-ups and you’re feeling like you have to “start over” once January rolls around. 

If you’re leaning more towards the second option, I want to help you take the pressure off. 

Contunue reading… 


How to take the pressure off your goals

With my clients, I’ve noticed that daily tracking keeps some people focused and motivated… 

But for others, especially during busy times like the holidays, daily tracking can feel like every “off” day is a setback.  

And when that happens, it’s easy to slip into an all-or-nothing mindset. 

In fact, it can feel like one less-than-perfect day means you’re totally off track. 

The solution?  

Give yourself a “weekly budget” or a “weekly plan” for your goals instead of daily. 

That might look like:  

  • Focusing on hitting your step goal over the week rather than a strict daily count
  • Planning your workouts in advance and shooting for a certain number each week
  • Aim for a weekly calorie deficit instead of stressing over it every day

Whatever feels best for you. 

This way, instead of adding more stress to your daily schedule, you’re zooming out and looking at the bigger picture. 

This “big picture” approach is one of the key reasons why my programming style works so well.  

Always remember to give yourself some space, and focus on making progress, one week at a time. 

Committed to your health and happiness,


Christina Della Rocca, ND, FNLP, CEWC, MASS.d.
Workplace Wellness Specialist & Corporate Executive Wellness Leadership Coach

Multi-disciplinary Wellness Practitioner


    Focntional Nutrition Practitionner

    Massage Therapist | Fit Pro

    Corporate Executive Wellness Leadership Coach

Why I have to could be holding you back

Why I have to could be holding you back

When it comes to building healthier habits, managing chronic symptoms, or improving your fitness level, how often do you catch yourself thinking, “I HAVE to get a workout in!” or “I HAVE to plan my meals for the week”? 

When we first start focusing on getting our health back, we can often find ourselves saying things like that all the time.  

I get it!! 

On one hand, we are motivated to get result by building the healthy habits to finally feel well and confident in our own skin again… but this kind of thinking leads to SEEING THE WORK AS A CHORE. 

And guess what? That’s totally natural.  

Our brains love routine and comfort… 

Which means any time we introduce new habits or push out of our comfort zone, our brains see it as a disruption and try to RESIST IT.  

That’s when the “I have to” thoughts sneak in. 

Continue reading for a MINDSET SHIFT that just might make a difference for you… 


The MINDSET SHIFT that made a difference for me… 

What if, instead of saying “I HAVE to,” you said “I GET to”? 

When I started framing it that way, I began to see these habits as privileges, not obligations. 

  • “I get to work out” reminded me of what my body is capable of
  • “I get to meal prep” became an opportunity to set myself up for success
  • “I get to take time for mobility exercises” felt like a way to care for my future self

This simple shift doesn’t just feel more empowering… 

It actually makes it easier to stick with your routines, especially when life gets hectic.  

Instead of finding reasons to skip healthy habits, you start looking forward to them. 


Here are some questions to ask yourself today… 

  • What habits do you get to practice this week?
  • How are they making your life better?
  • How do they make you feel about yourself? 

Hit reply and let me know—I’d love to hear what’s working for you or where you can use more support! 

Committed to your success, 

Christina Della Rocca, ND, MASS.d, FNLP, CEWC

Strategic Workplace Wellness Specialist & Concierge | Multi-disciplinary Wellness Practitioner

Naturopath – Functional Nutrition Practitioner – Massage Therapist, Fit Pro – Executive Wellness Leadership Coach

Mindful indulgence > holiday regrets

Mindful indulgence > holiday regrets

I can remember the days when I would staddle back n’ forth between enjoying myself and feeling guilty afterward.

 I’d think things like, “I shouldn’t have eaten that” or “I really should’ve worked out more.”

 Maybe you can relate? 

If so continue reading. This is for you…


Mindful Indulgence… 

The truth is, a lot of us end up “should-ing” ourselves all season long.

 We indulge, then immediately regret it, feeling like we need to make up for it somehow.  

But here’s what I’ve learned: owning your decisions can be a much healthier way to go. Instead of feeling like you’re breaking some “rule”, what if you could simply make a choice to enjoy yourself and move on without the guilt?

I call this “MINDFUL INDULGENCE”—which means deciding, in the moment, to enjoy a treat or take a rest day because it’s what you want, without stewing on it afterward. 

In fact, research backs this up.  

Letting yourself make choices you feel good about and moving on, rather than beating yourself up over them, helps you stay on track more effectively over time. 

For you, that could look like:  

      • Deciding to take an extra rest day because your body needs it
      • Enjoying a favorite holiday treat without planning to “balance it out” later
      • Skipping meal prep one weekend to enjoy a dinner out with friends, guilt-free 

What could mindful indulgence look like for you? 

Share with us at: Natural Solutions for Peak Wellness


YES! Of course I want to encourage you to stick to your meal plan as much as possible… 

And yes, it’s great to make time for moving your body, going to bed on time, eating a whole foods diet, and drinking your water… 

But if you do indulge, try simply owning that decision and moving on.  

That’s the best way to keep moving forward right now. 

Was this helpful to hear? Hit reply and let me know!  

Committed to your success, 
